U click me, I'll click u.

current mood :

im walking in the rain. i find myself trying to wash away the pain.

Friday, November 20, 2009


barangkali tidak ramai dari kalangan kite yang tau pe bendenye geoduck - (pronounced "gooey-duck") ni, atau aku sowang saje yang baru tau? heheheheheee. al-kisahnye, kerana kebuhsanan kerana tidak dapat ber-farmville, so aku godek2 blog. banyak la blog yang aku godek. dalam menggodek blog tu, aku terbace kisah satu spesis yang aku rase sangat tertarik untuk share kat sinim. spesis ape? spesis geoduck anak-anak. iye geoduck.


geoduck ni unrelated pon dengan mane2 duck kt farmville korang tu. and not even appearing particullarly gooey, tapi tatau la nape die punye name centu. kalau translate name die tu, maknenye "deep dig". mungkin sebab terpakse dig dalam-dalam baru jumpe mende nim. eheheheeee. no matter what is its name, no matter how u spell the name, one thing for sure is, they are CLAMS!

dig in!

"When people see a geoduck for the first time, they may notice an interesting resemblance to a certain (super-sized) part of the male anatomy. Often greeted with shrieks of disgust, awe and even downright shock, what the geoduck lacks in good looks and charm, it makes up for as a gourmet delight in the kitchen and, in some cases, a valuable supplement to the waterfront property owner's annual income. "

they can be eaten co0ked or raw! delicious? maybe. but i wont take a chance to eat those. yark! will u?

5 pembebel berjaya:

Anonymous said...

geli aku tgk...
bntuk die pelik...eeeuuuu

anN said...

heeee..huhu mmg pelik..

Syariniey Amran said...

peliknye bentuk

Hussaini Mustafa said...

pelik eyh...
cam aku kenal je bentuk tuh.
haishhhhh. mane eyh....

amer|zhafran said...


nk try makan ar...

kt pasar malam ado jual ko mek??
