U click me, I'll click u.

current mood :

im walking in the rain. i find myself trying to wash away the pain.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

saya bel0m besedia..

study week has started. But i havent done anything w0rthy.. Basically i g0t so many t0pics to c0ver..perhaps milli0ns rumus to remember, th0usands sentenses to hafal, hundreds b0okss to belek..

0keh i kinda menghiperb0lakan semua.. but yet, its true.. Macam banyak sangat!

Th0ught this semester ive bec0me a l0t m0re lazy.. Sangatsangatsangat malas.. Malas s0kmo.. Seems like i d0nt have en0ugh time!

0h please..apa pasal uni just give us 0nly 0ne week to stdy th0se things we've learn? cant uni give us m0re? At least 2weeks maybe? that wud be en0ugh..

Mungkin aku patut hantar surat n0tis pr0posal bagai untuk panjangkan minggu belajar.. Mungkin..

1 pembebel berjaya:

Sofeah said...

ala..stdy hard n smart to get 4 flat then wait for june to be married!!hihihi..walahhhhh..